MSNE CHENNAI: Edp training | online courses | entrepreneurship development programme | msme | how to start a business

MSME-Technology Development Centre Process & Product Development Centre, PPDC AGRA CONDUCTNG  ONLINE TRAINING ON Entrepreneurship Development Programme(EDP)  E-Certificate will be awarded by MSME Technology Development Centre Govt. of India.
Date : 26th to 3Oth May 2021 (5days) 
Timings : 3:00 to 5:00 pm 
Fees : 450/- 

Topic to be covered : 

*To understand Entrepreneurship and its journey. 
*To evaluate Entrepreneurship as a career option. 
*To learn how to generate Entrepreneurial Idea(s). 
*Identifying business opportunities 
*Acquiring Customers: Market research, Accessing and Marketing 
*Financing Pathways Self development 
*Self Developement 
*How to draft a business plan 
*Skills for Entrepreneurs 
*Factors affecting Entrepreneurs 
*MSME Scheme for Entrepreneurs 

For more details please call: 
+91- 6379392453 
+91- 7983607199 

Whats App : 
+91- 9677692445 
+91- 8471096413 

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